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Thermal station above the clouds

Impact of air pollution on health

Air pollution is the presence in the air of small particles or gaseous secondary products that may involve risk, damage or discomfort for living beings that are exposed to such an environment.

The main means by which atmospheric pollution is produced are concentrated in the industrial processes where combustion is carried out, as well as by mobile sources such as automobiles.

Air pollution as a cause of death

Polluting aerosols, also known as fine particulate matter or PM2.5, are responsible for 6.4 million deaths per year. Many of these deaths result from ischemic heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, type 2 diabetes and neonatal disorders.

According to a World Bank study, PM2.5 derived from the burning of fossil fuels (for example, coal combustion or emissions from vehicles that use diesel) is among the most toxic types of PM2.5.

Therefore, the particles that come from these sources are more harmful to health than those that originate from most other sources of air pollution.

Climate change and air pollution

Although climate change and air pollution are often treated separately, the sources of air pollution contribute decisively to climate warming. So the fight against air pollution that comes from them also makes it possible to mitigate climate change.

Air pollutants and greenhouse gases usually come from the same sources, for example, coal-fired power plants and vehicles that use diesel.

According to the UN, cities represent one of the main drivers of climate change. These consume 78% of the world’s energy and produce more than 60% of greenhouse gas emissions. However, they cover less than 2% of the Earth’s surface.

The enormous number of people who depend on fossil fuels makes the urban population highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Just as the smaller number of green spaces makes the problem worse.

Ready to work with the contaminated atmosphere

Rain of Life has devised an innovative system that not only purifies water, but also extracts it from the humidity of the environment, even in conditions of pollution. Recreating the rain process, obtaining a pure water of superior quality than most of the bottled waters that we find on the market.

It is a modular technology, adaptable to any terrain or space, which guarantees that anyone can have quick access to several liters of mouth water a day.

It is a very cost-effective solution that adapts to the needs of any home or business, and in places where there is considerable relative humidity and temperature it is more efficient and profitable than other methods of obtaining and purifying water.

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plastic bottle of water

Presence of microplastics in bottled water

The presence of plastics in rivers and seas is increasingly alarming. However, these are also gradually becoming present in meals and in water for human consumption through nanoparticles.

New York State University Studies

According to scientific studies carried out by New York State University in Freedonia, up to 10,000 plastic particles per liter have been found in a water bottle of which can be found in the supermarket.

In that study, 259 bottles of 11 different brands were analyzed, in 9 different countries. Approximately 325 plastic particles were detected in them for each liter of bottled water. There are more than 50,000 plastic particles per year.

According to the study, the most common type of plastic fragment was polypropylene, which is the polymer used in the plugs. The analyzed bottles were purchased in the United States, China, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Lebanon, Kenya and Thailand.

Columbia University Studies

According to more recent studies by researchers at Columbia University, they detected that, on average, about a quarter of a million microplastics could be found in each liter. In addition, they used the same technique to analyze tap water, where, at a much lower concentration than in bottled water, microplastics have also been found.

Nanoplastics of up to one billionth of a meter are so small that they can pass through all human tissues, travel through the bloodstream and reach the brain or placenta of pregnant women.

In a world where about 400 million tons of plastic are produced per year and the material is used to manufacture almost everything, there are endless opportunities for plastic nanoparticles to continue to be released and dispersed through the environment or integrated into the organisms of living beings.

WHO response

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that, although there is no evidence of negative consequences for human health, it would study the potential risks of plastic in drinking water.

RoL Atmospheric Generators

The multiple chemical and bacteriological analyses carried out in our laboratory and in laboratories in different countries certify that the water produced by RoL equipment lacks chemical substances harmful to health, and that in general it has a higher quality than most of the natural mineral bottled waters that exist in supermarkets.

Rain of Life’s chemical engineers have designed a two-stage purification process specially prepared to purify both condensation water from air moisture and rainwater, even if the equipment is located in an area with high atmospheric pollution.


  • Rodríguez, H. (June 30, 2022). They detect microplastics in 90% of bottled water. Obtained from Natrional Geographic Spain: https://www.nationalgeographic.com.es/ciencia/detectan-microplasticos-90-agua-embotellada_14456
  • Mediavilla, D. (January 8, 2024). A new technique discovers that plastic bottles contain thousands of nanoparticles capable of infiltrating cells. Obtained from El País: https://elpais.com/salud-y-bienestar/2024-01-08/una-nueva-tecnica-descubre-que-las-botellas-de-plastico-contienen-miles-de-nanoparticulas-capaces-de-infiltrarse-en-las-celulas.html
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Close up view of ecologist sampling water from the river with test tube.

Water pollution by biological agents

Water intended for human consumption can be contaminated by biological agents such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. This is due to the ability they have to spread quickly through water and cause acute health effects.

In this sense, pathogenic microorganisms represent the greatest risk associated with water consumption. However, thanks to the purification treatment and, above all, disinfection, the control of risks is kept under control.

Origin of pathogens in water

Germs can originate from human or animal fecal matter due to inadequate prevention of the contamination of water resources or, in case of inadequate control and disinfection measures, also of the water distribution system. Such may be the case of water from rivers and wells.

Other treatments such as the use of ultraviolet light, chemical disinfectants and filtration combined with chemical treatments, can reduce the number or inactivate most pathogens.

Post-treatment control measures

All treatments require special attention after their application, such as flow protection measures (for example, non-return valves), pipe inspection, rehabilitation and washing programs to remove the biofilm.

Others go more to its monitoring such as video inspection methods and internal interventions in distribution systems, such as the installation of probes to measure residual chlorine in the water that leaves the system or in the network.

Presence of pathogens in bottled water

However, the treatments that water can receive for human consumption and the quality grades of bottled mineral water distributed in supermarkets are varied.

In some chemical and bacteriological analyses, the presence of pathogens and contaminants has been detected in the bottles of some brands, highlighting the danger to people and the fraud that occurs on certain occasions.

Solution for pathogen-free water

Rain of Life atmospheric capacitors not only offer water free of pathogens present in much of the drinking water, but also lack any chemical substance that could be harmful to health.

The Medical Director and the Chemical Engineers of Rain of Life select the most appropriate mineral mixture to add to pure water, and can even prescribe special mixtures for geographical areas or special groups, such as a higher percentage of fluoride in schools in some disadvantaged regions.


  • General Directorate of Health Prevention. (October 6, 2016). I rischi per la salute. Obtained from Ministero della salute: https://www.salute.gov.it/portale/temi/p2_6.jsp? lingua=italiano&id=4453&area=acque_potabili&menu=contaminazioni
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Relationship between water with food

Water represents 60% of body weight in adult men and 50-55% in adult women. This implies that there must be a balance between the intake of water and the person’s conditions. But, in addition, our body not only benefits from the direct consumption of water, but also through food.

Benefit of water in agriculture

Agriculture is the sector that absorbs most of freshwater resources, constituting 70% of total consumption. However, this use is usually inefficient. Springer irrigation, widely used in large agricultural areas, requires large amounts of water, and a significant part evaporates before reaching the ground.

In addition, the collection and reuse of water are not common practices, while the use of pesticides, fertilizers and antibiotics in agriculture can cause contamination of water resources.

Impact of the climate crisis on food production

The climate crisis further complicates the relationship between water and food. Drought is considered a kind of imminent pandemic: 1.5 billion people already suffer from water stress, a figure that will increase to 47% in 2030. In addition, phenomena such as the exacerbation of drought in some countries and the rise in sea level in the Pacific islands affect food production, threatening food security.

Conscious management by companies

Regarding the celebration of last year’s World Food Day, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations urged companies to manage water responsibly. This means making a concrete commitment to improve the efficiency in the use of water resources and reduce the use of pollutants along supply chains.

This will not only have positive repercussions on nature and society, but also on companies: careful management of water resources can improve their image and benefits and help them avoid problems such as: water scarcity, floods, pollution or, more serious, could expose their activities to risks in the future.

In this sense, Rain of Life atmospheric water generators are an immediate and effective response to this need, since these are equipment capable of condensing the humidity of the air and potabilizing it by recreating the natural process of rain and obtaining PURE WATER, of superior quality than that of most of the bottled water on the market.


  • Alimentazione: la funzione dell’acqua . (s.d.). Tratto da https://biosalusitalia.com/la-funzione-dellacqua/
  • Bo, L. (2023, november 15). L’importanza dell’acqua nell’alimentazione: a precious resource. Tratto da https://www.lacucinaitaliana.it/article/importanza-acqua-alimentazione-risorsa-preziosa/.
  • l’Agricoltura, O. d. (2023, October 16). Obiettivi per lo sviluppo sostenibile . Tratto da Giornata Mondiale dell’alimentazione l’acqua è vita ci nutre. Non lasciare nessuno indietro.
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washing hands with soap for prevent disease

Sustainable water management: the cry of nature

Water is a precious resource to take care of, because our whole life revolves around it: our body composition, an essential ingredient for the preparation of many dishes, personal hygiene, among others. There are many people who die from not having enough water to survive.

Water: a precious resource

All life on the planet is part of water, in a chain in which all living beings are connected. However, given the strong population growth of the planet, the availability of water for global consumption is increasingly scarce, and many of its reserves are at risk of contamination. Hence the importance of citizens participating in water sustainability policies, also contributing to the intelligent management of the resource at the domestic level.

Proposal to recycle water

In northern Europe, some proposals have been made for intervention in urban planning that allow sustainable water management. Among other practices are: the collection of rainwater, the reuse of purified gray water, the creation of green areas capable of laminating and treating urban runoffs or overflows of mixed sewers, but also the collection in stadiums, airports, stations, shopping centers, urban centers, etc.

Domestic water savings

With a view to the efficient use of water resources, there are numerous practicable interventions, which differ according to the scope of application and the end user, aimed at obtaining effective water savings and for which there has been a growing interest in recent years, both from the scientific world and the competent authorities.

Atmospheric water generators: a sustainable response

Atmospheric water generators are a response to this efficient water consumption. The innovative equipment offers a source of pure water with unsurpassed quality, thanks to the fact that our equipment is able to condense the humidity of the air and make it potable, recreating the natural process of rain and obtaining PURE WATER, of superior quality than that of most of the bottled waters on the market.

With atmospheric water generators, by taking care of our hydration, we are not only attending to the basic needs of our body, but we also contribute to the construction of more sustainable societies.


Rutigliano, Michele. 2015. Gestione sostenibile dell’acqua: opportunità, vantaggi e modalità operative. 30 octubre. https://biblus.acca.it/gestione-sostenibile-delle-acque-opportunita-vantaggi-e-modalita-operative/.

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Relationship of water with our body

The relationship between water and life has been studied by human beings since the beginning of civilization. Each time, knowledge about the place that water occupies in biological systems and in the human body has been deepening. In fact, among the first so-called pre-Socratic philosophers, Thales of Miletus wondered about the origin of life, and this attributed it precisely to water.

Functions in the human body

Relationship of water with our body. Depending on its peculiar chemical-physical properties, water is involved in almost all the functions of the human body. This acts in the body as a solvent of inorganic and organic compounds, favors the dissociation of electrolytes, works as a thermostatic liquid with thermoregulatory capacity, allows the development of metabolic transformations, among others.

Its regulation in the human body

The regulation of fluids in the body is basically due to homeostatic control, thanks to the mechanisms that mainly regulate excretion and stimulate intake through thirst. The feedback mechanisms that act mainly on the kidney are also capable, although in a limited way, of regulating the tone of intracellular body fluids.

Relationship between water intake and other body functions

Water has a function regulating body temperature, since, due to the reduction in sweating and cutaneous blood flow induced by dehydration, it causes an increase in body temperature. In this sense, it is important to emphasize that a loss of body water equivalent to 1% is normally compensated in 24 hours, and the absence of this compensation and the increase in its loss compromises not only physical but also cognitive functions.


Dehydration, caused by a fluid intake of less than the loss of water, also has serious effects on the activity and physical performance of the body. In the milder forms, thermoregulation is affected, increasing the feeling of thirst, and gradually cramps, apathy, asthenia, greater irritability appear. The most serious forms cause general malaise and even hallucinations, which carries risks of insolation and lethal effects. The persistent state of dehydration is associated with a significant increase in the risk of many pathologies, even serious ones, that mainly affect the kidney.

We are more water than we think

Water is the main element of which the human body is composed and represents approximately 60% of the body weight in adult males, 50-55% of females, who are characterized by a higher percentage of body fat unlike males, and 75% in a newborn.

Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the water we consume is of excellent quality, since it plays a fundamental role in maintaining water balance, facilitating metabolic processes and promoting health in general. Opting for quality water ensures that our body receives the necessary benefits to function optimally, thus contributing to our well-being and vitality.



Paolillo, Carmela. 2016. How much will I drink. October 7. https://www.salute.gov.it/portale/temi/p2_6.jsp? id=4460&area=acque_potabili&menu=dieta.

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Young Woman holding a glass of water while looking out of the window

How much water to drink?

Conoce cual es la relación del agua con nuestro cuerpo. Somos más agua de lo que pensamos y necesitamos tener un equilibrio.

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The Weather in Punto Fijo, Venezuela

The weather in Punto Fijo, Venezuela, is a topic of great interest to local residents and visitors who want to know about the residents and visitors who wish to know the weather conditions of this beautiful coastal city. In this article, we will explore in detail the climate of Punto Fijo, highlighting its unique characteristics.

Where is Punto Fijo?

Before getting into the details of the climate, it is essential to understand the location of Punto Fijo.
This city is located on the Paraguaná Peninsula, surrounded by the Caribbean Sea to the north and west.
Its proximity to the sea plays a fundamental role in its climate, as it influences temperatures and precipitation patterns.

The Climate in Punto Fijo: Key Factors

The climate of Punto Fijo is mainly arid tropical. It is characterized by year-round warm temperatures and a fairly defined rainy season. Some of the key factors that influence the climate of this region include
include latitude, proximity to the sea and trade winds.
Although Punto Fijo generally feels like an eternal summer, it technically experiences two seasons: the rainy season and the dry season. The rainy season runs from May to October, while the dry season runs from November to April.

Average Temperatures and Humidity

Average temperatures in Punto Fijo vary little throughout the year. During the
daytime temperatures usually range between 30°C and 35°C, making it a warm destination.
Nights are cool, with temperatures rarely dropping below 20°C (68°F). Relative humidity in this region tends to be high, generally above 70% in most months, which means that the air contains a substantial amount of water vapor.

At Punto Fijo, the favorable relative humidity provides an environment conducive to the effective operation of atmospheric water generators, making them a viable option for the for the production of high quality drinking water.

The climatic conditions in the region favor the efficiency of these systems, offering an important solution for the production of high quality drinking water.

These systems offer an important solution for obtaining potable water in areas with scarce water resources and a high demand for clean, safe water.

Precipitation and the Rainy Season

During the rainy season, Punto Fijo experiences regular rainfall that can be heavy, averaging 450 mm per month. This is essential for local vegetation and agriculture.
But we must also keep in mind that Punto Fijo’s geographic location puts it at risk of tropical storms and hurricanes during the rainy season.

It is important to be prepared and follow weather warnings.

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Rain of Life impacts the attendees of the Adícora Fest with drinking water produced by the humidity in the air.

The 2nd edition of the Adícora Fest 2023 was held from the 24th to the 27th of August, with an absolute success of attendees to this event. Young people and adults from all over Venezuela came to the municipality of Falcón to enjoy the songs of national and international artists, and the most awaited beach atmosphere of the year.

Rain of Life, official sponsor of the event, had the honour of presenting its range of innovative atmospheric drinking water generators manufactured in Punto Fijo – Falcón, in an eye-catching stand specially designed for the occasion. Attendees were able to refresh and hydrate themselves with drinking water from the Rain of Life atmospheric generators.

Visitors from different areas were delighted after seeing the benefits of the Rain of Life equipment. All of them showed their admiration for this innovative process by which the equipment manages to imitate the natural water cycle, obtaining drinking water of excellent quality simply by condensing and treating the humidity in the air.

The stand was visited by several musical artists who performed at the event, as well as Victor Clark, Governor of Falcon State, who was able to see for himself the magnificent benefits of our systems, which transform the humidity in the air into drinking water.

Alerit Lugo, General Manager of the Hafran Group and other colleagues of Rain of Life, also shared very pleasant moments with the visitors of the stand. They were also able to enjoy the excellent organisation and the security deployed in the open-air concert area, which undoubtedly made the difference for such an event. Rain of Life stood out by providing bottles of drinking water from the atmospheric generators to all the administrative and operational staff who worked tirelessly during the four days of the event, as well as to all the visitors who came to the stand.

Rain of Life, an innovative and sustainable solution to the lack of drinking water

Rain of Life atmospheric generators offer innovative solutions for the supply of quality drinking water with modular technologies ranging from 50 to 10,000 litres per day. They generate water from the humidity in the air, without the need for major construction work and at a reasonable cost. These systems are adaptable to any terrain or space, from homes or small businesses to hospitals, camps, inns, residential areas or bottling plants. In addition, they are both electrically and solar powered, and ensure quick access to quality drinking water for everyone.

Rain of Life thanks the organisers of the Adícora Fest for the opportunity to participate in this event, which is already a national benchmark for leisure and recreation.

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Rain of Life, official sponsor of Adicora Fest 2023, will give away water from atmospheric generators made in Venezuela.

From August 24-27, the long-awaited second edition of Adicora Fest 2023 will take place, an event that has consolidated its position as the most outstanding beach festival in Venezuela. This year, we are excited to announce that Rain of Life will take on a key role as an official sponsor of this important festival.

During the event, Rain of Life will have the honour of presenting its range of innovative atmospheric water generating equipment in an eye-catching stand specially designed for the occasion. This space will give attendees the opportunity to explore first-hand the exceptional benefits and features of our systems, which transform moisture from the air into potable water.

As part of our commitment to sharing Rain of Life excellence with attendees, we are pleased to announce that we will be offering complimentary water bottles to booth visitors. These water bottles encapsulate the essence of the quality and purity that defines Rain of Life. It is our way of allowing attendees to taste and experience the unparalleled freshness of our atmospherically generated water.

A benchmark event in Adicora

In its 2022 edition, this event brought together more than 25,000 people on the Adicora beach and featured the participation of at least 25 local, national and international artists.

For this year, the National Government and the Government of the State of Falcón in alliance have prepared an important line-up of artists to offer luxury performances. Groups such as: Aterciopelados, Desorden Público, Zapato 3 and Amigos Invisibles, are some of those who make up the line-up of this important musical event.

Rain of Life, technology for obtaining drinking water. Another Hafran Group company

Rain of Life atmospheric generators offer solutions for the supply of quality drinking water with modular technologies (from 50 to 10,000 litres per day). They are adaptable to any terrain or space, can be powered by electricity or solar energy, and ensure that everyone has rapid access to quality drinking water.

It is a solution that adapts to the needs of any space, such as a festival like Adícora Fest, where it is possible to install one of the Rain of Life atmospheric water generators to provide participants with quality drinking water throughout the event.

Rain of Life is part of the Venezuelan group Hafran, a reference in the execution of works for the operation and safety of the client’s industrial processes. Hafran is a leading company in the development of projects and maintenance works in the oil, petrochemical and metal-mechanical sectors of the national territory, Central America and the Caribbean, maintaining and strengthening innovation as a growth factor.

We look forward to welcoming all those interested in the world of water at our stand. Join us from 24-27 August and discover how Rain of Life is revolutionising the way we access and enjoy water, with an unwavering commitment to quality and sustainability. We look forward to seeing you at the festival!